The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the premier online virtual intermittent fasting fitness and nutrition program on the market today. Learn the how and the why behind the FASTer Way and what every person should be doing every day.
Amanda joined Carmen, Dave, and Bill on The Morning Cruise on The Joy FM to share the story of the FASTer Way and why it matters to more than 130,000 clients. Carmen joined the FASTer Way as a client in 2019 and fell in love with the program. She asked Amanda to share the story, explain Intermittent Fasting, and show others that there IS a better way to weight loss and better health.
Listen to the full episode hereHow It All Began:
The FASTer Way to Fat Loss launched in January 2016 with just eleven clients. From there, we’ve grown to more than 130,000 clients and were named Tampa’s fastest-growing company in 2019.
What’s behind the incredible growth? The results! The FASTer Way was really developed to SOLVE the problems that other programs create (think plateau and weight gain!). Diets and quick fixes can help you see results in the short-term, but what most people don’t know is they’re actually depriving your body of vital nutrition, depressing your metabolism, and setting you up for failure.
The FASTer Way program is made up of healthy, sustainable strategies that improve your health and teach your body how to burn fat for fuel. We utilize Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, whole-food nutrition, and strategic workouts that we intentionally pair with our food cycle. We stick to 30-minute workouts and offer a meal plan in order to simplify life and save time for our clients.
We’ve created a FASTer Way Priority Pyramid to help you understand what matters most to your health. Get your FREE download here!
What About Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting does so much more for the body than burn fat. Carmen noted that she began sleeping better and saw her rosacea start to clear up, but it can also
Naturally detox the body
Clear brain fog
Improve metabolism
Maintain lean muscle
Increase energy
We’ve seen all these side effects (and more) in countless clients!
Which Intermittent Fasting Method is Best For Me?
First and foremost, Intermittent Fasting is NOT a diet, it’s simply an eating schedule. There are various methods or protocols when it comes to IF, but at the FASTer Way, we utilize and recommend the 16/8 protocol. This means we fast for 16 hours every day and eat all of our food within an eight-hour window.
Can I Do Intermittent Fasting On My Own?
Anyone can try Intermittent Fasting on their own, but we don’t recommend it. It’s very important to fast with guidance so you know how to nourish your body properly. Simply put, it’s easy to mess up your hormones if you don’t do it correctly!
“We need enough of the right fuel to really maximize our metabolism and optimize our experience while we fast. If we are undereating during our feeding window and overexercising—plus dealing with other stressors such as work—we’re going to experience imbalanced hormones.”
-Amanda Tress
Practicing Intermittent Fasting incorrectly like this makes it impossible to burn fat and may even result in weight gain!
Here’s the deal: if we’re not hitting our macro minimums we could:
Run ourselves out of hormones
Experience fertility issues
Experience suboptimal thyroid function
Experience adrenal fatigue
It’s important to have guidance so you can avoid these issues and thrive in your lifestyle.

Your body is doing one of two things. It’s either digesting food OR it’s healing itself.
When you fast, your body is at digestive rest. That means you’re giving your body a chance to repair and heal.
This healing time is when autophagy occurs. Autophagy is defined as the destruction of damaged or redundant cellular components. This essentially means that the damaged parts of our cells are recycled or disposed of—our body’s natural process of detoxification.
Everyone Should Do THIS Every Day
Everyone should, at a minimum, do a 12-hour fast every day. For example, try fasting from 7 pm–7 am. You’ll receive the benefits of fasting without much change to your daily schedule. If you’re able to fast longer, your body will receive even more benefit! However, this can be taken to an extreme. Do NOT fast for so long each day that you’re unable to consume enough food to meet your body’s requirements.
A 12/12 fast is a great place to start. When you’re up for it, try a more aggressive schedule by waiting to eat until 10 am or even 11 am to break your fast. Drink plenty of water and have some herbal tea of black coffee if you’d like. Sorry, no creamer in your coffee! That will break your fast and kick your body into digestion mode.
Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?
No! This is a myth perpetuated by breakfast cereal companies. It didn’t start out as medical advice, it actually started as a marketing campaign back in the 40s! These companies have a lot at stake—if you aren’t eating breakfast, they don’t make money. Our best advice is to look to the science and cut through the marketing clutter!
At the FASTer Way, we believe balance = whole food + occasional treats. The FASTer Way is a lifestyle and that means we don’t swear off goodies forever. We simply incorporate them into a whole-food diet in a strategic way that won’t diminish our health goals.
A final message from Amanda:
“I want you to experience progress and passion toward your health and wellness goals so you can accomplish your other goals with energy and have a positive impact on those around you.”
In the FASTer Way, we have a big focus on Progress Over Perfection. No one is perfect, but that’s no reason not to live your best life! You can make progress toward your goals every day and you can feel amazing in the process.
Big thanks to The Morning Cruise for having Amanda! You can listen to their show or learn more on their website.
Learn more about the FASter Way strategies:
* This article was originally published here
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