More and more, we’re recognizing that communities are powerful places that help people feel a sense of belonging, provide support, and even help us reach our goals more successfully. If you’ve wondered why community matters, the research is in—it’s better for everyone!
Jim Rohn famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
What does that have to do with your wellness goals? Well, as it turns out, quite a lot.
Community isn’t often a major consideration of people looking to achieve certain goals, whether it be health, business, educational, or financial aspirations. That would be a mistake though, as we see more and more evidence that a strong community is a contributing factor to our success.
As humans, we need to belong to something bigger than ourselves. This belonging gives us connection, helps us form relationships, and often provides a greater sense of purpose. Communities offer support, encouragement, resources, and keep us more engaged.
Is it any wonder then, that when we join a community of supportive, like-minded people who are working toward the same goals we are, that we are much more likely to succeed over the long term?
We spoke with Mike Ritter on the FASTer Way Podcast, and he confirmed our thoughts. Community—and the lack thereof—has had a major impact on his health journey. Mike started out as an athlete with a consistent and disciplined schedule, but when he lost that community and structure and was inserted into a new environment, his friends changed, his habits changed, and he gained about 60 pounds.
This is a common problem for both men and women, but men are often slower to connect with a new community. Mike has worked with a lot of male clients in his practice as a certified personal trainer, and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, and a fitness coach. He’s observed that men are reluctant to connect because they tend to adopt the “hero mentality.” They don’t want to appear vulnerable and weak, which really results in feeling isolated.
The answer is seeking out a community that will support you, encourage you, and stick with you for the long term. That’s exactly why we created the FASTer Way VIP Membership communities for men and women. It’s a safe place to ask questions, celebrate wins, seek encouragement, and stay accountable.
Living without community is a dark place for many people, and as Mike told us in his interview, “Whatever you hide in the dark grows and controls you. Whatever you shine the light… loses its power. It loses power mostly when you shine the light on it with a group of people.”
We couldn’t agree more!

* This article was originally published here
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