Thursday, January 16, 2020

Why You Won’t Need A Weight Loss Resolution Ever Again

One of the most popular (and repeated) New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, but we think it’s time to move past that. Set yourself up for real success—learn why you won’t need a weight loss resolution ever again!

What if you never had to make another New Year’s resolution to lose weight? Sound too good to be true? We’re happy to tell you that not only is it true, but it’s simple, too! 

It’s not just about trying to eat less or exercise more. It’s about building sustainable habits with small and simple changes that don’t overwhelm you. Consistency is the real key to success, not the quick fixes and challenges that so many people seem to love. It’s not about doing something difficult for a short time. It’s about doing something simple for the long term.

Here’s why you won’t need a weight loss resolution ever again:

You Can Fuel Your Body Properly

Rather than putting yourself through another unsustainable and unrealistic diet, start giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. Adequate caloric intake keeps the metabolism running high, the thyroid functioning optimally, and keeps you from getting hangry (you know what we’re talking about!). 

And if you’re ready to really maximize your nutrition, you can incorporate these science-backed cutting-edge strategies!

Intermittent Fasting

It’s all the rage in the fitness industry, but for good reason! Intermittent Fasting is not only simple, but it’s FREE to do, and there’s a whole lot of research emerging showing incredible benefits like hormone regulation, cellular repair, cellular waste removal, muscle maintenance, and increased metabolism. 

Carb Cycling

Another key to increased nutrition success is carb cycling. Alternating your carb intake and pairing it with your workouts is an extremely effective way to change your overall body composition, get that life-changing energy back, sleep better, and train your body to burn fat instead of carbs. Low carb days will help you burn fat while higher carb days will keep your body (and hormones!) running smoothly—both are important!

Tracking Macros

Figuring out your macros (and adjusting them to fit your goals) can be a bit tricky but once you find the right ratios and learn to listen to your body, you will be able to fuel your body correctly!

Macros (short for macronutrients) are the building blocks of our food—carbs, fat, and protein. All three are essential to a balanced diet, so no matter how you choose to eat, we do NOT recommend following a plan that cuts out an entire macronutrient. The two popular methods we’re talking about are low carb and low fat. Again, your body needs BOTH to function properly, so eating in a balanced way is key.

When you learn how to fuel your body in a way that gives it everything it needs to function optimally, not only are you going to feel amazing, you are going to be healthier and more fit than ever before. It’s a game-changer, friend.

You Can Establish Flexible Lifestyle Habits 

While there are plenty of diets out there that might help you drop some pounds (usually water weight), trying out a diet that doesn’t allow you to ever go out to eat with your friends or enjoy any of your favorite foods just isn’t sustainable. 

We all know how the story of the fad diet plays out: deprive yourself, drop a few pounds, lose energy, get headaches, and eventually quit. Then, unfortunately, most likely gain the weight right back. 

That’s exactly why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss was born. It’s a program that helps you get well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose with energy—all while allowing you to burn fat, balance your hormones, and live a real life. This means going out with friends, having the energy to get through the day, and enjoying your favorite treats. The most important part is flexibility so you can actually maintain those life-changing habits, and turn your body into a fat-burning machine.  

Your Habits Will Keep You Going 

Most New Year’s resolutions get ditched halfway through January because most people dive into their goals without a plan and without establishing habits. When motivation starts to wane, so does effort, which means the goals die off. 

On the other hand, when you implement new habits in a sustainable way, it’s a different story—especially when those habits result in waking up with energy that lasts all day, feeling confident in your skin, and turning your body into a fat burner. You’ll want to continue building and strengthening those habits! Nothing is more motivating than finally getting results. 

You Can Join A Community To Keep You Engaged and Motivated

Going after goals and making lifestyle changes becomes a whole lot easier when you have a community to mentor and support you. Our FASTer Way community includes people from all different backgrounds committed to making changes that will lead them to lasting results. You’ll get all the motivation and support you need to thrive no matter how busy life gets. 

This time next year, you won’t need to make another resolution you probably won’t follow through with—because you’ll be living a healthy lifestyle and loving it!

Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, where you’ll learn how to turn healthy habits into a real lifestyle. We can’t wait to welcome you!

For more information about our strategies, check out these articles!

* This article was originally published here

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