Thursday, January 16, 2020

3 Reasons The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Is Ideal For Busy Moms

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A mom’s work is never done, but that doesn’t mean she can’t make time for a healthy lifestyle! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is ideal for busy moms because it was created by a busy mom!

All moms know that being busy never really ends. You’re “on the clock” from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, and even then, you don’t always feel like you got it all done! That’s why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the perfect solution—it was created by a busy mom that wanted a healthy lifestyle (that didn’t take over her life). 

FASTer Way creator Amanda Tress knew that any fitness program NOT designed to fit into a busy life just wasn’t going to be a true lifestyle for her or anyone else. That’s why the FASTer Way is simple AND easy!

Moms have a lot to do every day. Between balancing work, kids, spouses, friends, and schedules, life can be intense. So, when it comes to taking care of your health, hitting your weight loss goals, and feeling confident, you need a fitness program that can make it easier for you!

We’ve helped tens of thousands of moms achieve a healthy, sustainable lifestyle through the FASTer Way. They’ve seen incredible results when it comes to their energy levels, their moods, losing fat—not just weight, but stubborn belly fat—and feeling more confident than ever.  

Can the FASTer Way fit into your life? YES!

3 Reasons The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is Ideal for Busy Moms

1. The FASTer Way Is Flexible

If there’s one thing that all moms need in life, it’s flexibility. Whether it’s someone getting sick, a blow-out diaper as you’re walking out the door, or your middle schooler telling you the night before that their science project is due, being a mom requires a lot of quick thinking and creative planning. 

Unlike restrictive diets that are uncompromising and unrealistic, The FASTer Way gives you freedom and flexibility as you are working toward your goals.

You can easily change a low carb day to a regular macro day. The FASTer Way nutrition plan is a cycle of low carb days and regular macro days that you can rearrange to fit your schedule. Birthday party? No problem, you can have your cake and eat it, too! 

You can move your eating window to match up with your plans. If you have a special dinner planned, you can move your window down. If you have a brunch planned with your girlfriends, move your window up. Do what works for your life—and enjoy that mimosa and quiche without feeling like you just crashed your diet!

The FASTer Way is so effective because it’s flexible enough that you can adjust the program to meet your needs AND still eat the foods you love! That’s what a real lifestyle is—having a strategy that accommodates real life.

2. The FASTer Way Has Efficient Workouts

In the world of motherhood, “me time” is a huge commodity. We know that as a mom, your time is already stretched thin and time for yourself isn’t always easy to carve out. 

Here’s the good news! You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to get an effective workout. 

There’s more good news! You don’t even have to leave your house. 

The FASTer Way offers daily workouts that include a Home, Gym, or Low-Impact option. No matter your fitness level or gym membership status, we have a workout for you! Our home workouts require very little equipment (just a few basics) AND our trainers offer plenty of variations depending on what you might have. No kettlebell? No problem! No bench? No biggie! We’ll meet you where you are.

The FASTer Way workouts are easy to follow AND they won’t take a lot of precious time out of your day. You get the most out of your workouts in about 30 minutes every day. So on those crazy busy days, meeting your workout goal isn’t just possible, it’s easy to do before the kids are even up!

3. The FASTer Way Has Simple and Delicious Meal Plans

The FASTer Way meal plans will be your new best friend because let’s be honest here, the hardest question we have to answer every day is, “What’s for dinner?” When you are focusing on better nutrition, knowing how to fuel your body correctly can make that question even harder to answer. 

So for those days when you have no time to plan, or when you just can’t think about ONE MORE THING, use the simple FASTer way meal plan! We provide them for ALL clients, whether they’re new OR in our VIP membership. They aren’t required for success, simply another tool we offer to make your life easier.

And the best part? Your daily meal plan is only one tap away in the FASTer Way app! Choose from our REGULAR meal plan or our VEGAN meal plan—all the recipes are literally at your fingertips.

Community of Moms  

If your goals is to get leaner, healthier, and regain your confidence, join our community of moms that are there to support you, cheer for you, and be a listening ear when you have “one of those days.”

The way the FASTer Way is designed for busy moms because it gives you everything you need and nothing you don’t. Whether you’re up at night with a baby or up at night worrying about a teenager—we’ve got you.  

If you’re ready to live a busy-but-healthy lifestyle, join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Tens of thousands of moms can’t be wrong!

Want to know more? Learn about our strategies here:


* This article was originally published here

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