Lose weight faster using the best proven solutions for rapid fat burning, weight loss, improved diet and nutrition, supplements, exercise and fitness, recipes, natural health...
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Kitty Spencer weight loss: Her transformation after being told to ‘lay off the cake’ - Express
* This article was originally published here
Monday, August 30, 2021
Sunday, August 29, 2021
How Much Do Doctors Actually Know About Nutrition?

See if you know more about basic nutrition than most doctors.
* This article was originally published here
🔥 Full Q&A interview with Hungry Vegan Mama here: https://youtu.be/8C7OdvybrW4 ⭐ Apply to get coached by Ryan: https://ift.tt/3hSRId2 -- PRODUCTS --- The Only Diet You Need Book: https://ift.tt/2SK4Jcj 21-Day Plant-Based Accelerator: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA Ryan's Ultimate Starter Bundle: https://ift.tt/2xoc2dL Mind Mastery For Weight Loss Book: https://ift.tt/2Zo6GhZ Last 10-Pounds Program: https://ift.tt/3aL9kQD --- SIMILAR VIDEOS --- 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Weight Loss Challenge: https://youtu.be/4Zzp5AIXYyY How To Start A Plant-Based Diet Guide: https://youtu.be/KbBxSo_jWYY Full Beginner Plant-Based Meal Plan: https://youtu.be/RLvsakREKXU How To Deal With Emotional Eating: https://youtu.be/VQcYRllBbOI How To Cook Without Oil: https://youtu.be/NlIvv92IGLg What I Eat In A Day Vegan: https://youtu.be/7MqjQlrIo3A --- LINKS --- Website: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Subscribe to Natural Weight Loss Mastery: https://goo.gl/D6fVAB Instagram: @ryanadamsuk --- RECOMMENDED READING --- The Starch Solution by John McDougall: http://amzn.to/2BAJBfU How Not To Die by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2BA7Mes How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2sDI063 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard: http://amzn.to/2CtLpnJ Natural Foods: The Only Diet You Need by Ryan Adams: https://goo.gl/1kj8xA --- DISCLAIMER --- The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have seen in these videos. Never rely on information on this channel in place of seeking professional medical advice. Ryan Adams is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional. Ryan is a mentor and guide skilled in weight loss coaching to help clients reach their own weight loss goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on his programs. Ryan is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through these videos.
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Friday, August 27, 2021
Flashback Friday: The Role of Burger Viruses in Cancer

Polyomaviruses discovered in meat can survive cooking and pasteurization.
* This article was originally published here
channel announcement...📣👀 video.
🔥 Ryan shares a quick channel update. ⭐ Apply to get coached by Ryan: https://ift.tt/3hSRId2 -- PRODUCTS --- The Only Diet You Need Book: https://ift.tt/2SK4Jcj 21-Day Plant-Based Accelerator: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA Ryan's Ultimate Starter Bundle: https://ift.tt/2xoc2dL Mind Mastery For Weight Loss Book: https://ift.tt/2Zo6GhZ Last 10-Pounds Program: https://ift.tt/3aL9kQD --- SIMILAR VIDEOS --- 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Weight Loss Challenge: https://youtu.be/4Zzp5AIXYyY How To Start A Plant-Based Diet Guide: https://youtu.be/KbBxSo_jWYY Full Beginner Plant-Based Meal Plan: https://youtu.be/RLvsakREKXU How To Deal With Emotional Eating: https://youtu.be/VQcYRllBbOI How To Cook Without Oil: https://youtu.be/NlIvv92IGLg What I Eat In A Day Vegan: https://youtu.be/7MqjQlrIo3A --- LINKS --- Website: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Subscribe to Natural Weight Loss Mastery: https://goo.gl/D6fVAB Instagram: @ryanadamsuk --- RECOMMENDED READING --- The Starch Solution by John McDougall: http://amzn.to/2BAJBfU How Not To Die by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2BA7Mes How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2sDI063 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard: http://amzn.to/2CtLpnJ Natural Foods: The Only Diet You Need by Ryan Adams: https://goo.gl/1kj8xA --- DISCLAIMER --- The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have seen in these videos. Never rely on information on this channel in place of seeking professional medical advice. Ryan Adams is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional. Ryan is a mentor and guide skilled in weight loss coaching to help clients reach their own weight loss goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on his programs. Ryan is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through these videos.
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Thursday, August 26, 2021
Who Should Take Statins?

How can you calculate your own personal heart disease risk and use it to determine if you should start on a cholesterol-lowering statin drug?
* This article was originally published here
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
The True Benefits vs. Side Effects of Statins

A Mayo Clinic visualization tool can help you decide if cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are right for you.
* This article was originally published here
You MUST Stop Doing THIS If You Want To Lose Weight! video.
🔥 Ryan explains a common weight loss mistake beginners make. ⭐ Apply to get coached by Ryan: https://ift.tt/3hSRId2 -- PRODUCTS --- The Only Diet You Need Book: https://ift.tt/2SK4Jcj 21-Day Plant-Based Accelerator: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA Ryan's Ultimate Starter Bundle: https://ift.tt/2xoc2dL Mind Mastery For Weight Loss Book: https://ift.tt/2Zo6GhZ Last 10-Pounds Program: https://ift.tt/3aL9kQD --- SIMILAR VIDEOS --- 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Weight Loss Challenge: https://youtu.be/4Zzp5AIXYyY How To Start A Plant-Based Diet Guide: https://youtu.be/KbBxSo_jWYY Full Beginner Plant-Based Meal Plan: https://youtu.be/RLvsakREKXU How To Deal With Emotional Eating: https://youtu.be/VQcYRllBbOI How To Cook Without Oil: https://youtu.be/NlIvv92IGLg What I Eat In A Day Vegan: https://youtu.be/7MqjQlrIo3A --- LINKS --- Website: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Subscribe to Natural Weight Loss Mastery: https://goo.gl/D6fVAB Instagram: @ryanadamsuk --- RECOMMENDED READING --- The Starch Solution by John McDougall: http://amzn.to/2BAJBfU How Not To Die by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2BA7Mes How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2sDI063 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard: http://amzn.to/2CtLpnJ Natural Foods: The Only Diet You Need by Ryan Adams: https://goo.gl/1kj8xA --- DISCLAIMER --- The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have seen in these videos. Never rely on information on this channel in place of seeking professional medical advice. Ryan Adams is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional. Ryan is a mentor and guide skilled in weight loss coaching to help clients reach their own weight loss goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on his programs. Ryan is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through these videos.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Flashback Friday: The Benefits of Açai vs. Blueberries for Artery Function

What are the effects of açai berries, cooked and raw blueberries, grapes, cocoa, green tea, and freshly squeezed orange juice on artery function?
* This article was originally published here
Monday, August 23, 2021
Are Doctors Misleading Patients About Statin Risks and Benefits?

What is the dirty little secret of drugs for lifestyle diseases? If patients knew the truth of how little these drugs actually worked, almost no one would agree to take them.
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Friday, August 20, 2021
A Call for Prayer, and Action
By Amanda Tress
There is so much pain, division, fear, tragedy and loss in our world right now. My heart is heavy this week as I think of my team members, friends and loved ones who are impacted both directly and indirectly, in addition to those around the world who are suffering.
In addition to the illness, loss and crises in the U.S. and abroad this week, Haiti was also hit by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Our vice president of operations and programming, Kareen Turner, has family members who were directly impacted by the earthquake, as her family's birthplace was tragically the epicenter of the earthquake.
If you’re anything like me, you want to do something tangible to help those in need. You want an action plan with steps you can follow in order to make a positive difference for those who are suffering.

Here at The FASTer Way, we do too.
That’s why I am challenging our FASTer Way community to take action and to help those who are in desperate need of hope in Haiti and across the world.
Here’s what we will do:
Fast: Fasting is not just a key to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss formula. It can also reduce mental fatigue and restore a sense of control during times of uncertainty. Fasting also gives us an opportunity for prayer, meditation and reflection, regardless of religious background or worldview. While you fast, take a few minutes to reflect and express gratitude for your blessings. It’s so easy to forget how fortunate we all are.
Move: When it feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, there’s no better way to feel lighter and freer than by getting up and moving. Whether it’s a HIIT workout or just getting outside and going for a walk, take the time to get moving. If we are energized and focused, we will have more ability to help those around us.
Give: Finally, we are going to tangibly help those who are in need right now.
I have personally launched a campaign to benefit the 1.2 million people in Haiti who were rocked by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, killing more than 2,000 people (and rising) and leaving tens of thousands more homeless. It’s just one way that we here at the FASTer Way can provide some positivity, help, and hope to a community that has been devastated by yet another natural disaster.
You can also help by making a contribution to an organization that is directly supporting this community, like The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP). To learn more and donate to the CDP, please click the button below.
donateEvery single bit helps.
We can fast, pray, and reflect — as we should. But we also must act.
We challenge you to join us as we do just that.
Together, we can help change the world.
* This article was originally published here
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Macros 101
You’re seeing it everywhere these days, but you just aren’t sure what “macros” are or why they should matter to you. Eating the correct macros is a powerful (and FREE!) strategy to help you leverage better nutrition for better results.

We all want to be lean and strong, but if you thought you had to be lucky or have a fast metabolism to make it happen, then today IS your lucky day! You can start slimming down and toning up right now simply by tracking your macros. All it takes is an app (you can download at no cost) and a few minutes every day to dial in your nutrition and start seeing results.
Some of the biggest questions most people have are: What exactly ARE macros? Why are they so important? How will they help me live a lifestyle where I don’t have to give up treats forever??
Macros are changing things in the fitness world, and we want you to know how to reap the benefits!
What Are Macros?
The word “macro” is short for macronutrient. Macros consist of:
Macros are important because they’re the basic building blocks of our food. They’re the nutrients our body needs in large quantities. They're our fuel! But to fuel our bodies the best way possible, we need to consume our macros in the correct proportions.
Our FREE Beginner’s Guide to Macros includes a macro breakdown for a normal day, plus a sample 5-day meal plan. It’s a great starting point, especially if you are new to tracking your macros.
There are many free apps that will help you track your macros, particularly MyFitnessPal. It’s simple to use and makes tracking your food easy and straightforward. Simply add your food in every day and you’ll receive a breakdown of your macronutrients AND your main micronutrients. This is a helpful tool to stay on track with your goals and start making real progress.
Pro Tip: There is a paid version of MyFitnessPal, but you don’t need to upgrade unless you want to… the free version will track your macros just fine.

Counting calories and “eating clean” just aren’t effective strategies for losing fat. You need to eat your macros in the correct ratios if you want to really crush your goals. But this strategy goes beyond losing fat; it will help you overcome those dreaded plateaus, it will fuel your body correctly, and you’ll never feel hungry!
The obvious problem we face when we don’t track our macros is that we’re over-consuming some (usually carbs or fat) and under-consuming others (usually protein). When we don’t fuel our bodies correctly, we end up compensating for the imbalance by storing the excess, which, of course, is turned to fat.
Pro Tip: Eating fat doesn’t make you fat! Your body NEEDS dietary fat, and when it doesn’t get enough, it doesn’t function properly. Be sure to hit your fat goals, along with your carbs and protein, and you’ll start seeing progress instead of plateaus.
Low-carb diets are really popular in the health and fitness industry right now. People are flocking to them because they’re seeing great results...initially. There are a couple of problems that tend to get swept under the rug, though.
First, the body (including our organs) runs on sugar. When we deprive our bodies of their preferred fuel source all the time, it can have a negative effect (women especially should monitor thyroid function and watch for signs of hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue).
Second, it’s not sustainable for most people. Know anyone who tried the Keto diet? Me too. Know anyone who’s STILL on the Keto diet? Me either. It’s simply too restrictive to sustain long-term, which means most people just won’t stick with it.
If you’re looking to leverage the benefits of a low-carb diet without any of the drawbacks, try carb cycling! With strategic low-carb days cycled throughout the week with planned regular-carb days, you’ll see the fat loss you want without the risk.
To see the most incredible results you’ve ever had, it’s important to put all the pieces together correctly. Understanding macros is first, and then adding carb cycling will take your results to the next level—but when you pair these strategies with Intermittent Fasting and effective workouts, you will transform in a way you never thought possible.
Learn how to implement all these changes in a simple, straightforward way in the cutting-edge program FASTer Way to Fat Loss®. You’ll learn and implement each of these principles while getting full support and accountability through the online community. You won’t be alone on this journey!
If you want to SEE different results, you have to DO something different. The key is to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle so you can stay consistent and see amazing results. Let’s do this!
Join today!Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:

Sandbag Weight
CLICK HERE to order your Sandbag Weight

FASTer Way Donut Towel
CLICK HERE to order your Donut Towel
* This article was originally published here
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Don't Forget This INCREDIBLE Meal For Weight Loss! video.
🔥 Ryan shares one of his favourite plant-based meals for weight loss. ⭐ Apply to get coached by Ryan: https://ift.tt/3hSRId2 -- PRODUCTS --- The Only Diet You Need Book: https://ift.tt/2SK4Jcj 21-Day Plant-Based Accelerator: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA Ryan's Ultimate Starter Bundle: https://ift.tt/2xoc2dL Mind Mastery For Weight Loss Book: https://ift.tt/2Zo6GhZ Last 10-Pounds Program: https://ift.tt/3aL9kQD --- SIMILAR VIDEOS --- 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Weight Loss Challenge: https://youtu.be/4Zzp5AIXYyY How To Start A Plant-Based Diet Guide: https://youtu.be/KbBxSo_jWYY Full Beginner Plant-Based Meal Plan: https://youtu.be/RLvsakREKXU How To Deal With Emotional Eating: https://youtu.be/VQcYRllBbOI How To Cook Without Oil: https://youtu.be/NlIvv92IGLg What I Eat In A Day Vegan: https://youtu.be/7MqjQlrIo3A --- LINKS --- Website: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Subscribe to Natural Weight Loss Mastery: https://goo.gl/D6fVAB Instagram: @ryanadamsuk --- RECOMMENDED READING --- The Starch Solution by John McDougall: http://amzn.to/2BAJBfU How Not To Die by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2BA7Mes How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2sDI063 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard: http://amzn.to/2CtLpnJ Natural Foods: The Only Diet You Need by Ryan Adams: https://goo.gl/1kj8xA --- DISCLAIMER --- The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have seen in these videos. Never rely on information on this channel in place of seeking professional medical advice. Ryan Adams is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional. Ryan is a mentor and guide skilled in weight loss coaching to help clients reach their own weight loss goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on his programs. Ryan is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through these videos.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Monday, August 16, 2021
Are Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Tests Valid?

Even if we could accurately diagnose SIBO, if there is no difference in symptoms between those testing positive and those testing negative, then what’s the point?
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Easy Plant Based Meal Plan For Beginners video.
🔥 Ryan walks through a simple plant-based meal plan for beginners. ⭐ 21-Day Accelerator Meal Plan: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA -- PRODUCTS --- The Only Diet You Need Book: https://ift.tt/2SK4Jcj 21-Day Plant-Based Accelerator: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA Ryan's Ultimate Starter Bundle: https://ift.tt/2xoc2dL Mind Mastery For Weight Loss Book: https://ift.tt/2Zo6GhZ Last 10-Pounds Program: https://ift.tt/3aL9kQD --- SIMILAR VIDEOS --- 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Weight Loss Challenge: https://youtu.be/4Zzp5AIXYyY How To Start A Plant-Based Diet Guide: https://youtu.be/KbBxSo_jWYY Full Beginner Plant-Based Meal Plan: https://youtu.be/RLvsakREKXU How To Deal With Emotional Eating: https://youtu.be/VQcYRllBbOI How To Cook Without Oil: https://youtu.be/NlIvv92IGLg What I Eat In A Day Vegan: https://youtu.be/7MqjQlrIo3A --- LINKS --- Website: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Subscribe to Natural Weight Loss Mastery: https://goo.gl/D6fVAB Instagram: @ryanadamsuk --- RECOMMENDED READING --- The Starch Solution by John McDougall: http://amzn.to/2BAJBfU How Not To Die by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2BA7Mes How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2sDI063 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard: http://amzn.to/2CtLpnJ Natural Foods: The Only Diet You Need by Ryan Adams: https://goo.gl/1kj8xA --- DISCLAIMER --- The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have seen in these videos. Never rely on information on this channel in place of seeking professional medical advice. Ryan Adams is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional. Ryan is a mentor and guide skilled in weight loss coaching to help clients reach their own weight loss goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on his programs. Ryan is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through these videos.
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Friday, August 13, 2021
Flashback Friday: Does Aspartame Cause Cancer?

How should we parse the conflicting human data on intake of aspartame (Nutrasweet) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer?
* This article was originally published here
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Fiber vs. Low FODMAP for SIBO Symptoms

It may not be the number of bacteria growing in your small intestine, but the type of bacteria, which can be corrected with diet.
* This article was originally published here
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Keto Advantage Keto Burn Reviews [Shark Tank Warning]: Updated Keto Burn Pills Price 2021 & Website!! - Santa Clarita Valley Signal
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Sunday, August 8, 2021
The Effects of Cleaning Products and Air Fresheners on Lung Function

There is a reason the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prohibits not only smoking, but also scented or fragranced products in its buildings.
* This article was originally published here
Plant Based Weight Loss In 30 Days (Full Beginner Plan) video.
🔥 Ryan walks through a full plant-based weight loss plan. ⭐ More weight loss resources: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Blog post with notes & recipes: https://ift.tt/2u4SWen BMR calorie calculator: https://ift.tt/1bLf5hz Calorie calculator with activity factored in: https://ift.tt/3s3fk1F -- PRODUCTS --- The Only Diet You Need Book: https://ift.tt/2SK4Jcj 21-Day Plant-Based Accelerator: https://ift.tt/2LshBQA Ryan's Ultimate Starter Bundle: https://ift.tt/2xoc2dL Mind Mastery For Weight Loss Book: https://ift.tt/2Zo6GhZ Last 10-Pounds Program: https://ift.tt/3aL9kQD --- SIMILAR VIDEOS --- 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Weight Loss Challenge: https://youtu.be/4Zzp5AIXYyY How To Start A Plant-Based Diet Guide: https://youtu.be/KbBxSo_jWYY Full Beginner Plant-Based Meal Plan: https://youtu.be/RLvsakREKXU How To Deal With Emotional Eating: https://youtu.be/VQcYRllBbOI How To Cook Without Oil: https://youtu.be/NlIvv92IGLg What I Eat In A Day Vegan: https://youtu.be/7MqjQlrIo3A --- LINKS --- Website: https://ift.tt/2LvWe0H Subscribe to Natural Weight Loss Mastery: https://goo.gl/D6fVAB Instagram: @ryanadamsuk --- RECOMMENDED READING --- The Starch Solution by John McDougall: http://amzn.to/2BAJBfU How Not To Die by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2BA7Mes How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger: http://amzn.to/2sDI063 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard: http://amzn.to/2CtLpnJ Natural Foods: The Only Diet You Need by Ryan Adams: https://goo.gl/1kj8xA --- DISCLAIMER --- The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have seen in these videos. Never rely on information on this channel in place of seeking professional medical advice. Ryan Adams is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional. Ryan is a mentor and guide skilled in weight loss coaching to help clients reach their own weight loss goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on his programs. Ryan is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through these videos.
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