Friday, January 17, 2020

How To Develop Habits That Keep You Fit and Healthy

If you’ve never been big on resolutions or goals, we have good news! There’s actually a better way to achieve fat loss and better health. Learn how to develop habits that keep you fit and healthy!

The Problem with Willpower

You’ve probably never thought of your willpower as a muscle, but research shows that, just like a muscle, your willpower gets fatigued and becomes exhausted the more you use it. 

That’s exactly why restrictive diets don’t last very long—your willpower can’t last forever and you’ll quickly find yourself off track, back to your old habits, and inevitably frustrated. Hello, yo-yo diet rollercoaster! 

If you want to lose weight AND do it in a healthy way (mentally and physically), you need to set yourself up for success—even when your willpower is depleted. 

That’s why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss was born. It’s not a fad or a crash diet—it’s a lifestyle. We teach people how to live in a realistic and sustainable way by using cutting-edge strategies like Intermittent Fasting, balanced macros, and carb cycling—all paired with effective workouts.

This means you can enjoy a donut, go out to eat with your friends, or have a Coke… all without crashing your diet (because you won’t be on a diet, you’ll just be living your healthy lifestyle!).

The FASTer Way is unlike any other fitness program, because you don’t need a hulk-sized willpower muscle to maintain it, and you don’t have to cut entire food groups out of your life. We give you a strategy that will help you develop life-changing habits and absolutely crush your goals. 

Here are a few ways to stay fit and healthy and develop life-changing habits: 

Habit Stacking  

Here’s the thing, creating new habits is a bit of a science—brain science, to be exact. 


Habit stacking is a great life hack for building healthy, new habits in a way that doesn’t require iron willpower, it simply uses your current habits that already have a strong neuro-connection in your brain.

We all have habits that are almost automatic for us, meaning that we don’t even think about them anymore because we do them every day.

For example, here are a few habits you may already have:

  • Making your bed

  • Showering

  • Making a cup of coffee

  • Dropping the kids off at school

Habit stacking goes like this: After [current habit], I will [new habit].

For example: After making my bed, I will do 5 push-ups.

You are essentially hacking your brain by creating an easier and FASTer way for you to make healthy habits a part of your normal, everyday routine. You are simply using those strong connections you already have as a trigger for new habits. 

Read more about developing habits here!

Easing In 

At the FASTer Way To Fat Loss, we don’t care about perfection because it doesn’t exist. We care about progress.

When you begin habit stacking, start out with small and manageable steps and ease your way into a routine.

Once you’ve mastered “After making my bed, I will do 5 push-ups,” then you can expand to, “After making my bed, I will do my FASTer Way workout.” (we keep them to about 30 minutes or less!).

The key is to avoid the “cold turkey” approach and allow yourself to get comfortable and confident in what you are doing. 

Achieving your goals takes time, but those small successes build up and they form connections in your brain to those new habits—making them stick. 

Accountability and Community

When you’re starting out, it’s important to have some accountability while you are in the process of creating new habits.

Going at it alone leaves you more susceptible to giving up when life gets busy or a challenge arises. 

Eventually, your new habits will take root and you won’t need the same degree of accountability, but you’ll still want to be a part of a community that understands you and what you are doing—and supports you along the way! 

When it comes down to it, having a community that’s there for you while you are creating your new healthy lifestyle is crucial. We’ve helped more than 130,000 clients get into the best shape of their lives with the best fitness program out there. The FASTer Way isn’t another diet. It’s a flexible, sustainable lifestyle that helps you develop habits that will keep you fit and healthy for life. 

Curious about what makes us different? Find out for yourself! Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and let’s do this thing! 

To learn more about our strategies, please visit these articles:


* This article was originally published here

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